Warp 10 Ecosystem

Warp 10 ecosystem allows you to interact with a lot of software components: Jupyter, Spark, Python, Hadoop, MQTT, Kafka, and many others.

Learn how to use them in the Most Advanced Time Series Platform.

February 2024: Warp 10 release 3.2.0

February 2024: Warp 10 release 3.2.0

Warp 10 3.2.0 has just been released, paving the way to WarpScript debugging & profiling, and mitigating a JDK 17 related issue.

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Send an Email with Warp 10 through Microsoft Graph

Send an Email with Warp 10 through Microsoft Graph

Learn how to send email from Warp 10 using Microsoft Graph.

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June 2023, Warp 10 release 3.0.0

June 2023: Warp 10 release 3.0.0

Warp 10 3.0 is a major release of the most advanced time series platform. It retains compatibility with the previous standalone version, and drops HBase to implement the first production ready TSDB based on FoundationDB.

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Introducing Warp 10 3.0

Introducing Warp 10 3.0!

We have just released the first Alpha version of Warp 10 3.0. This article explains what changes and how you can easily test it.

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Warp 10 Docker image, next generation

Warp 10 Docker Image – Next Generation

Learn about the changes of the new version of Warp 10 platform Docker images.

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WarpFleet Gradle plugin

WarpFleet Gradle Plugin

Discover the WarpFleet Gradle plugin that allows you to interact with WarpFleet and generate macros documentation

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Real-Time Monitoring: Setting Up Alerts, Notifications & Dashboard

This tutorial will show you how to monitor a system, trigger alerts, send notifications when an alert occurs and display important metrics with a dynamic dashboard.

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Remote dashboards with Discovery Explorer

Remote dashboards with Discovery Explorer

Discovery Explorer now allows you to mix local dashboards with remote ones served over HTTP(s).

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2022 review of the Warp 10 platform

A new year begins, it is time to take stock of the developments of the Warp 10 platform in 2022.

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Warp 10 Office Hours Recap - Q&A about Discovery
Warp 10 Platform

Warp 10 Office Hours Recap – Q&A about Discovery

Here is the recap of our last Office Hour (Nov. 2022) dedicated to Discovery

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Runners dynamic scheduling with Warp 10

Runners dynamic scheduling

Since version 2.11.0 of Warp 10, a runner can decide when to reschedule itself. Dynamic scheduling is now really easy within WarpScript.

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Plug Warp 10 to Apache Nifi to manage your dataflow pipelines

Discover how to plug Apache NiFi and Warp 10 together. Take profit of the Warp 10 Analytics Engine within your dataflow pipelines.

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Discovery Tips & Tricks

Discovery Tips&Tricks #3 – Build a form

You can use Discovery to build forms in order to configure your dashboard. Learn how to build it efficiently.

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Introducing HFiles, cloud native infinite storage for time series data
Warp 10 Platform

Introducing HFiles, cloud-native infinite storage for time series data

Managing historical time series data at scale can be challenging, especially when it comes to storage. Warp 10 HFiles is a cloud native approach which simplifies this task.

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Discovery Tips & Tricks

Discovery Tips&Tricks #2 – Reproduce the WarpStudio Plot view

Here is a simple way to reproduce the Plot dataview of WarpStudio in a Discovery dashboard.

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Create a custom tile for Discovery

Create a custom tile for Discovery

Discovery is a powerful dashboarding tool and allows for totally custom data visualization. Learn how to create a Discovery plugin.

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Discovery Tips & Tricks

Discovery Tips&Tricks #1 – Synchronization of zoom and focus between charts

Here is a simple way to synchronize zoom and focused datapoints between tiles through a Discovery dashboard.

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Warp 10 Scheduler Secrets
Warp 10 Platform

Warp 10 scheduler secrets

Learn advanced features of Warp 10 scheduler: Runners are an easy way to automate WarpScript, without any new external component.

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Connect Power BI to Warp 10
Warp 10 Platform

Connect Power BI to Warp 10

Learn how to query time series from Warp 10 in Microsoft Power BI. YES, you can connect Power BI to Warp 10 and do WarpScript within Power Query M!

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