Discovery Tips&Tricks #2 – Reproduce the WarpStudio Plot view

Here is a simple way to reproduce the Plot dataview of WarpStudio in a Discovery dashboard.

Discovery Tips & Tricks

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The WarpStudio's plot view is composed of 3 charts: annotation, line, and map.

In this article, I will cover only annotation and line. Both charts share their time bounds in order to compute the overall timespan. The line chart sends its left margin to the annotation chart.

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The easiest way to achieve synchronization of bounds and annotations' left margin is to use special events:

For time bounds:

 { 'tags' [ 'chart1' ] 'type' 'bounds' }

And for the left margin:

{ 'tags' [ 'chart1' ] 'type' 'margin' }

For this sample, we generate random GTS. The reference timestamp, is passed as a variable.

Dashboard definition

At first, we have to define a gts variable that holds our random GTS list.

  'title' 'My Plot'
  'cellHeight' 90
  'vars' { 'now' $now  }
   'tiles' [  ]
From datasets to dashboard: Covid Tracker built with Warp 10 and Discovery

Tiles definition

A first tile will emit events for the second and listen to events coming from the other one:

    'x' 0 'y' 0 'w' 12 'h' 1
    'type' 'annotation'
    'options' {
        'eventHandler' 'type=(bounds|zoom|focus|margin),tag=chart1' // listen at events on a channel called chart1
    'macro' <%
        // random GTS
        NEWGTS 'g' STORE
        1 10 <% 'i' STORE  $g [ $now $i STU * - T ] ADDVALUE DROP  %> FOR
            'data' $g
            'events' [
                { 'tags' [ 'chart2' ] 'type' 'zoom' } // emits its zoom level
                { 'tags' [ 'chart2' ] 'type' 'focus' } // emits its focus timestamp

Same principle for the second tile:

    'x' 0 'y' 1 'w' 12 'h' 4
    'type' 'line'
    'options' {
        'eventHandler' 'type=(zoom|focus),tag=chart2' // listen at events on a channel called chart2
    'macro' <%
        // random GTS
        NEWGTS 'g' STORE
        -5 15 <% 'i' STORE $g [ $now $i STU * - RAND ] ADDVALUE DROP %> FOR
            'data' $g
            'events' [
                { 'tags' [ 'chart1' ] 'type' 'zoom' } // emits its zoom level
                { 'tags' [ 'chart1' ] 'type' 'focus' } // emits its focus timestamp
                { 'tags' [ 'chart1' ] 'type' 'margin' } // emits its left margin
                { 'tags' [ 'chart1' ] 'type' 'bounds' } // emits its time bounds

All together:

Used WarpScript functions


The result

NOW 'now' STORE { 'title' 'My Plot' 'cellHeight' 90 'vars' { 'now' $now } 'tiles' [ { 'x' 0 'y' 0 'w' 12 'h' 1 'type' 'annotation' 'options' { 'eventHandler' 'type=(bounds|zoom|focus|margin),tag=chart1' } 'macro' <% NEWGTS 'g' STORE 1 10 <% 'i' STORE $g [ $now $i STU * - T ] ADDVALUE DROP %> FOR { 'data' [ $g ] 'events' [ { 'tags' [ 'chart2' ] 'type' 'zoom' } { 'tags' [ 'chart2' ] 'type' 'focus' } ] } %> } { 'x' 0 'y' 1 'w' 12 'h' 4 'type' 'line' 'options' { 'eventHandler' 'type=(zoom|focus),tag=chart2' } 'macro' <% NEWGTS 'g' STORE -5 15 <% 'i' STORE $g [ $now $i STU * - RAND ] ADDVALUE DROP %> FOR { 'data' $g 'events' [ { 'tags' [ 'chart1' ] 'type' 'zoom' } { 'tags' [ 'chart1' ] 'type' 'focus' } { 'tags' [ 'chart1' ] 'type' 'margin' } { 'tags' [ 'chart1' ] 'type' 'bounds' } ] } %> } ] }

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