WarpScript is a handy toolkit build for time series manipulation. A common use case could be to detect a sequence of values lasting a given duration
This post describes how to detect in a series of values between 0 and 5, subsequences of value greater or equal to 3 lasting at least 5 seconds.
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First step
As a first step, we need a dataset. Here, we will generate a random GTS containing 300 values between 0 and 5 spaced by one second. Of course, you can use your own.
NEWGTS // Create an empty GTS
0 300 <% // for(i = 0; i < 300; i++)
'i' STORE // store the current index
NOW $i 1 s * + // tick ('now' + 'i seconds')
NaN NaN NaN // no geo coordinate
RAND 5 * ROUND // generate the random value
ADDVALUE // add the data point to gts
%> FOR // close FOR loop macro
'gts' STORE // store the result
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The result is a random time series:
Second step
Now, we will build a sliding window that navigates across this series in order to detect 5 seconds of values greater or equal to 3:
$gts // our random series
'data' STORE // store the current sliding window data
$data 0 GET // current timestamp
$data 4 GET 0 GET // current lat
$data 5 GET 0 GET // current long
$data 6 GET 0 GET // current elev
// in our 5 current points, we keep only those >= 3
// and verify we have 5 in a row
$data 7 GET <% 3 >= %> FILTERBY SIZE 5 >= // put true or false as value
%> MACROMAPPER // custom mapper
0 // pre window size
-5 s // 5 seconds of post window size
0 // occurrences
] MAP // Sliding window
RANGECOMPACT // keep only changing values
'result' STORE
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Here, we have a sequence of booleans.
Now, we will remove false values:
[ $result true mapper.eq 0 0 0 ] MAP 'result' STORE // retain only 'true'
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Last step
Now, we have our original series and a second boolean series corresponding to subsequences starts:
Last thought
If you want to detect the end of subsequences, you have to invert pre- and post-window sizes of the mapper:
'data' STORE
$data 0 GET // Current timestamp
$data 4 GET 0 GET // Current lat
$data 5 GET 0 GET // Current long
$data 6 GET 0 GET // Current elev
// in our 5 current points, we keep only >= 3 and verify we have 5 in a row
$data 7 GET <% 3 >= %> FILTERBY SIZE 5 >=
%> MACROMAPPER // custom mapper
-5 s
You can find the final code and a running example of this sequence of values here: WarpStudio
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Senior Software Engineer