Mathias Herberts

Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer
February 2024: Warp 10 release 3.2.0

February 2024: Warp 10 release 3.2.0

Warp 10 3.2.0 has just been released, paving the way to WarpScript debugging & profiling, and mitigating a JDK 17 related issue.

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Deploying a Distributed Warp 10 instance
Warp 10 Platform

Deploying a Distributed Warp 10 instance

The Distributed version of Warp 10 coordinates multiple processes on multiple servers. This article explains the deployment process.

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Deploying a Warp 10 Standalone+ instance
Warp 10 Platform

Deploying a Warp 10 Standalone+ instance

Warp 10 3.0 introduced the standalone+ version, using FoundationDB as backend. This article presents how to deploy and configure a Standalone+ instance.

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Introducing Warp 10 3.0

Introducing Warp 10 3.0!

We have just released the first Alpha version of Warp 10 3.0. This article explains what changes and how you can easily test it.

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An AIS data set for the 2022 Ocean Hackathon

An AIS data set for the 2022 Ocean Hackathon

As part of the 2022 Ocean Hackathon, SenX provides the contestants with an AIS data set covering more than 2 years and containing 500 billion data points.

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Warp 10 release 2.11.0

August 2022: Warp 10 release 2.11.0

Warp 10 2.11.0 has been released. Discover the bug fixes, enhancements, new features and new functions of the platform.

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Introducing HFiles, cloud native infinite storage for time series data
Warp 10 Platform

Introducing HFiles, cloud-native infinite storage for time series data

Managing historical time series data at scale can be challenging, especially when it comes to storage. Warp 10 HFiles is a cloud native approach which simplifies this task.

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Warp 10 and the Ethereum blockchain
Warp 10 Platform

Warp 10 and the Ethereum blockchain

Discover how the most advanced time series platform can interact with an Ethereum Virtual Machine compatible blockchain to open a world of opportunities.

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Advanced Macros OpSec
Warp 10 Platform

Advanced Macros OpSec

Macros are the building blocks of the Warp 10 ecosystem which give it its flexibility and power we have all come to love. But for that love to last security must be taken seriously, and this is what that post is all about, giving useful tips for ensuring safe and smooth executions to your macros.

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Demystifying the use of the Parquet file format for time series
Everything is data

Demystifying the use of the Parquet file format for time series

In the world of data, the Parquet format plays an important role and it might be tempting to use it for storing time series. This post explores the internals of Parquet and the suitability of this format for time series data.

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Everything is data

Les TSDB ne sont pas toujours la bonne solution

De plus en plus de secteurs s'aperçoivent qu'ils produisent des séries temporelles, il peut être tentant de prime abord de systématiser l'utilisation d'une base de données de séries temporelles (TSDB), mais il s'avère que ce n'est pas forcément toujours la meilleure solution.

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Interacting with Git repositories from Warp 10
Warp 10 Platform

Interacting with Git repositories from Warp 10

Having the ability to store and read files from Warp 10 is something often requested. Today we talk about a WarpScript extension which introduces functions to interact with git repositories.

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working with geoshapes
Warp 10 Platform

Working with GEOSHAPEs

Geographical data are first class citizens in the Warp 10 Time Series Platform, learn how to create and work with geo zone aka GEOSHAPEs

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Working with Time Series in Spark
Warp 10 Platform

Working with Time Series in Spark

Learn how you can scale your Time Series analytics using Spark and the Warp 10 Analytics Engine

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Digital Twins, a requirement for Industrial AI
Everything is data

Digital Twins, a requirement for Industrial AI

Using AI to make industrial assets more efficient and reduce their downtime is on many agendas. Learn how digital twins and time series data play a major role in this plan.

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Truly dynamic dashboards as code
Warp 10 Platform

Truly Dynamic Dashboards as Code

With its unique dashboards as code approach, Warp 10 Discovery is the tool of choice to create highly dynamic dashboards from your time series data

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AIS data made easy
Everything is data

AIS data made easy

AIS data are being integrated in many applications. Managing those data at scale can prove cumbersome. This post introduces TrueSea by SenX, a turnkey solution for AIS data built on the acclaimed Warp 10 Geo Time Series platform.

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