Track flight traffic above your house, over the world's biggest airports, or anywhere on earth with Warp 10 and ADSBexchange.
The dataset
With courtesy of ADS-B Exchange, we gathered 2 years of flight traffic representing 200,000 aircraft and 15 billion positions.
We wanted to do something fun with it to demonstrate some capabilities of Warp 10, our Time Series Platform. And we called it Chemtrails Locator because… why not!
ADS-B Exchange is a co-op of ADS-B/Mode S/MLAT feeders from around the world, and the world’s largest source of unfiltered flight data.
All over the world
Track chemtrails around the world thanks to Warp 10: above your house, over the world's biggest airports, or anywhere on Earth at a given time. This dataset covers a period between 2016-06-09 and 2018-06-16.
Choose a location in 3 possible ways:
- Choose an airport among more than 30 world biggest airports
- Pick a location anywhere
- Choose your own current location.
Then, choose a date, a time and a duration, and click on "Sniff" to locate chemtrails.
You can now see how many planes flew over this location during the selected time period.
Thanks to Warp 10 and its Geo Time Series, you will be able to see in 3 dimensions. Warp 10 can store each data point with a location and an elevation, which offers you a convenient way to visualize tracks in space and time. (More info about our data model can be found here).
You can visualize taxi-ways, waiting for tracks, forbidden areas, and so on. It is an easy way to explore flight habits around airports.
The engine
At the core of the application, we used a WarpScript to fetch data depending on an area and a date in order to track planes that flew over a specific location. We use:
You can have a look at multiple flight paths, anywhere around the world.
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Locate chemtrails and share
Use our first W-Files application and share your best findings with your reptilian friends over social networks.
Of course, Chemtrails are contrails, you know?
Want more fun? Explore UFO datasets with Warp 10.
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