Real-time IoT monitoring from Kafka to dashboard

Build a real-time system monitoring using a Kafka broker and a dashboard using WebSockets. Here is a complete tutorial covering warp10-kafka-plugin, the Warp 10 accelerator feature and a Discovery dashboard.

Real-time IoT monitoring from Kafka to dashboard

By following this tutorial, you will be able to handle our Kafka plugin, the Warp 10 accelerator, and Web-sockets usage within Discovery dashboards.

Here are the steps:

In this tutorial we will assume that your computer IP is (you can use ipconfig on Windows or ifconfig on Linux to grab your own IP).

Start a local Kafka broker

For convenience, we will use Docker images and a docker-compose file to start our broker. Of course, do not use that in production. it is just for test purposes.

Create a file named docker-compose.yml (customize with your IP address):

version: '3'
    image: confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:7.3.2
    container_name: zookeeper

    image: confluentinc/cp-kafka:7.3.2
    container_name: broker
    # To learn about configuring Kafka for access across networks see
      - ""
      - zookeeper
      KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT: 'zookeeper:2181'
      KAFKA_CREATE_TOPICS: order-topic:3:1

and start it with:

$ docker-compose up

The Kafka broker is up and running.

Start and configure a local Warp 10 instance

Also for convenience, we will use our Docker image. In this tutorial, we use a persistent volume in /opt/warp10_3.0 on our local computer.

$ sudo mkdir /opt/warp10_3.0
$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v /opt/warp10_3.0:/data --name warp10 warp10io/warp10:3.0.0-ubuntu

Warp 10 is up and running.

Tokens generation

$ docker exec warp10 ./bin/ tokengen tokens/demo-tokengen.mc2

You should get a result like this:

  "ident" : "4f8c4edc7a42d112",
  "id" : "DemoWriteToken",
  "token" : "hQfwWAHcJpHBHgpz2531HtcKAknSzpam6XzbfMcwBvaDZLZM6uWDD2xNF8kGUitE5UzUEWpSdYQQXUQ8VQZc.De9kpFaERFMvbYxD7btd2i6UnyzfTni1F"
  "ident" : "5d99a69053407ad2",
  "id" : "DemoReadToken",
  "token" : "Lj.suW2XZru53seb.y7QulvE_qJ4CyMMEfaz6T.ozaBx79RJ1m1m_c.Bj7.jEGlM2C7MRlSCpKgaCwVXEen6nZOo9KgbC5IakZTc5RvZ3qZX_mq_VXm9vNkANB5J7uWJExgGK6Ht9kAL1W_1tBR1Dl2H9XJiWXKCmz3pYxJv7p7"

Learn more about tokens.

Now, we have to install our Kafka plugin.

For convenience, we have to change the permissions of the /opt/warp10_3.0/warp10 directory. Do not do this in production. The user id inside the docker image for warp 10 is 942. You can also create a local user with the same UID.

$ sudo chmod -R a+rwx /opt/warp10_3.0/warp10
$ sudo useradd warp10_docker -u 942 -s /bin/bash

Kafka plugin

You can do this manually or take advantage of our WarpFleet Repository mechanism.

The WarpFleet way

First, you need Gradle on your computer.

Read more about the WarpFleet Gradle plugin

In /opt/warp10_3.0/warp10, create a file named build.gradle:

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'io.warp10:warpfleet-gradle-plugin:0.0.3'

apply plugin: 'io.warp10.warpfleet-gradle-plugin'

warpfleet {
  packages = 'io.warp10:warp10-plugin-kafka'
  warp10Dir = '/opt/warp10_3.0/warp10'

And run:

$ cd /opt/warp10_3.0/warp10
$ gradle wrapper
$ ./gradlew wfInstall
Starting a Gradle Daemon, 2 incompatible and 1 stopped Daemons could not be reused, use --status for details

> Task :wfInstall
○ Retrieving io.warp10:warp10-plugin-kafka:1.0.1-uberjar info
○ Installing io.warp10:warp10-plugin-kafka:1.0.1-uberjar into: /opt/warp10_3.0/warp10
○ Retrieving: io.warp10-warp10-plugin-kafka-1.0.1-uberjar.jar
✔ io.warp10-warp10-plugin-kafka-1.0.1-uberjar.jar retrieved
○ Calculating dependencies
○ Installing dependencies:NG [8s]
✔ Dependency: io.warp10-warp10-plugin-kafka-1.0.1-uberjar.jar successfully deployed
○ Calculating properties
⚠ No configuration found, do not forget to add ' = package.class'
✔ io.warp10:warp10-plugin-kafka:1.0.1-uberjar installed successfully.
Do not forget to check the configuration file: /opt/warp10_3.0/warp10/etc/conf.d/99-io.warp10-warp10-plugin-kafka.conf

1 actionable task: 1 executed

As it is said, we have to configure the plugin in /opt/warp10_3.0/warp10/etc/conf.d/99-io.warp10-warp10-plugin-kafka.conf, we will do that later.

The manual way

This is a less fun way to install an extension or a plugin. Plugins or extensions may need jar dependencies you will have to handle by yourself. Luckily, the Kafka plugin does not need such dependencies.

Download the Kafka plugin jar in /opt/warp10_3.0/warp10/lib, you can find the link here.

Plugin download link

Create an empty file named 99-io.warp10-warp10-plugin-kafka.conf in /opt/warp10_3.0/warp10/etc/conf.d:

Kafka Plugin configuration

Create a new directory with the same user and rights as the others:

$ mkdir /opt/warp10_3.0/warp10/kafka
$ sudo chmod -R a+xrw /opt/warp10_3.0/warp10/kafka

Edit /opt/warp10_3.0/warp10/etc/conf.d/99-io.warp10-warp10-plugin-kafka.conf:

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# io.warp10:warp10-plugin-kafka:1.0.1-uberjar
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

warp10.plugin.kafka = io.warp10.plugins.kafka.KafkaWarp10Plugin

The Kafka plugin installation is done!

Warp 10 Accelerator

The Warp 10 Accelerator is an option of the standalone version of Warp 10 that adds an in-memory cache to a Warp 10 instance. This cache covers a certain period of time and can be used to store data for ultra-fast access. Learn more about this feature.

Create and edit /opt/warp10_3.0/warp10/etc/conf.d/99-accelerator.conf:

$ sudo -u warp10_docker vim /opt/warp10_3.0/warp10/etc/conf.d/99-accelerator.conf

# Enable accelerator
accelerator = true
# 1 hour chunks
accelerator.chunk.length = 3600000000
# 3 chunks
accelerator.chunk.count = 3
# Set to 'true' to preload the accelerator with the persisted data spanning the accelerator time range.
# Preloading can be disabled for setups where the accelerator is used as a temporary side cache only.
accelerator.preload = true
# Number of threads to use for preloading the Warp 10 Accelerator
accelerator.preload.poolsize = 8
# Size of GTS batches to process when preloading the Warp 10 Accelerator
accelerator.preload.batchsize = 1000
# Set to true to take into account the last activity of Geo Time Series when preloading the Warp 10 Accelerator
accelerator.preload.activity = false

We create 3 chunks of 1 hour each.

The Accelerator configuration is done!

Warp 10 restart

$ docker restart warp10

A dummy producer

We will create a small NodeJS script that will produce dummy random data.

In a directory (ie: /home/me/workspace/kafka-producer), run:

$ npm init
This utility will walk you through creating a package.json file.
It only covers the most common items, and tries to guess sensible defaults.

See `npm help init` for definitive documentation on these fields
and exactly what they do.

Use `npm install <pkg>` afterwards to install a package and
save it as a dependency in the package.json file.

Press ^C at any time to quit.
package name: (kafka-producer) 
version: (1.0.0) 
entry point: (index.js) 
test command: 
git repository: 
license: (ISC) 
About to write to /home/me/workspace/kafka-producer/package.json:

  "name": "kafka-producer",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC"

Is this OK? (yes) yes

$ npm install kafkajs

Then, create /home/me/workspace/kafka-producer/index.js:

const { Kafka, Partitioners } = require('kafkajs');

const kafka = new Kafka({
  clientId: 'my-app',
  brokers: ['localhost:9092'],

const producer = kafka.producer({ createPartitioner: Partitioners.LegacyPartitioner });
const consumer = kafka.consumer({ groupId: 'test-group' })

process.on('SIGINT', () => {
  producer.disconnect().then(() => {

async function send() {
  await producer.send({
    topic: 'test.topic',
    messages: [
        value: JSON.stringify({
          title: 'Dummy data',
          sensor: {
            name: 'io.warp10.demo.sensor.temperature',
            timestamp:, // ok, I know, you should use UTC time
            value: Math.random() * 100.0,
            unit: '°C'

producer.connect().then(async () => {
  await consumer.subscribe({ topic: 'test.topic', fromBeginning: false });
    eachMessage: async ({ topic, partition, message }) => {
      console.log(topic, { message: message.value.toString() }); // for log purpose
  setInterval(async () => await send(), 500); // send a message each 500 ms

And run it:

$ node index.js

Kafka consumer

In /opt/warp10_3.0/warp10/kafka, create a file named test.mc2 (customize with your IP address):

  'topics' [ 'test.topic' ] // The topic list we listen at
  'parallelism' 1 
  'config' { 
    '' 'warp10'
    '' 'warp10'
    '' 'true'
    'bootstrap.servers' '' // IP of our broker
  'macro' <% 
    'message' STORE // Store the raw Kafka payload
    <% $message SIZE 8 == %> // Should be an array containing 8 items
      // Extract payload and convert it to a map
      $message 'value' GET 'UTF-8' BYTES-> JSON-> 'value' STORE
      'Sensor: ' $value 'sensor' GET 'name' GET  + LOGMSG
      'Value: ' $value 'sensor' GET 'value' GET TOSTRING + $value 'sensor' GET 'unit' GET + LOGMSG
    %> IFT
  'timeout' 10000

At this stage, you will see in /opt/warp10_3.0/warp10/logs/warp10.log:

[1685611811223] Sensor: io.warp10.demo.sensor.temperature
[1685611811223] Value: 25.354849299417314°C
[1685611811323] Sensor: io.warp10.demo.sensor.temperature
[1685611811323] Value: 84.14009403325606°C
[1685611811427] Sensor: io.warp10.demo.sensor.temperature
[1685611811427] Value: 30.510205614640196°C
[1685611811526] Sensor: io.warp10.demo.sensor.temperature
[1685611811526] Value: 55.10942379581509°C

Now, modify test.mc2 to convert our data to a GTS and insert it into Warp 10:

  'topics' [ 'test.topic'  ]
  'parallelism' 1
  'config' { 
    '' 'warp10-1'
    '' 'w'
    '' 'true'
    'bootstrap.servers' '' // IP of our broker
    'macro' <% 
    'message' STORE // Store the raw Kafka payload
    <% $message SIZE 8 == %> // Should be an array containing 8 items
      // Extract payload and convert it to a map
      $message 'value' GET 'UTF-8' BYTES-> JSON-> 'value' STORE
      NEWGTS $value 'sensor' GET 'name' GET RENAME // create a GTS and name it
        'unit' $value 'sensor' GET 'unit' GET     // our unit
        'topic' $message 'topic' GET              // the concerned topic     
      } RELABEL 'gts' STORE // add some labels
      // generate a datapoint
      // timestamp
      $value 'sensor' GET 'timestamp' GET  1 ms * // convert milliseconds to microseconds
      NaN NaN NaN // latitude longitude and elevation
      $value 'sensor' GET 'value' GET // the value
    %> IFT
  'timeout' 10000

Open WarpStudio to test our data by fetching the last minute of data:

  'io.warp10.demo.sensor.temperature' {}
  NOW 1 m 

You should have a chart like this:

Time series chart

As we are using Warp 10 accelerator, fetching last minute fetch data in RAM, and ACCEL.REPORT should return


A real-time dashboard displaying live data

Now, it is time to display our live data.

Building a dashboard in WarpStudio

Open WarpStudio and use the "discovery empty dashboard" snippet and modify it to add a line chart ("discovery-tile line, chart" snippet):

// @endpoint http://localhost:8080/api/v0/exec
// @preview discovery
  'title' 'Live data'
  'options' { 'showErrors' true  }
  'type' 'flex'
  'tiles' [
    // list of tiles (type discovery-tiles to get some snippets)
      'type' 'line'  'w' 12 'h' 2 
      'endpoint' 'ws://localhost:8080/api/v0/mobius' // Use Web sockets
      //'endpoint' 'http://localhost:8080/api/v0/exec'
      'options' { 
        'autoRefresh' 500 // each 500 ms
        'bounds' { 'yRanges' [ 0 100 ] }  // force y axis to be 0-100 range
      'macro' <% 
          'token'  'YOUR READ TOKEN' 
          'class'  'io.warp10.demo.sensor.temperature' 
          'labels' {}
          'end' NOW // timestamp or ISO8601 string
          'timespan' 1 m  // timespan or start
        } FETCH

Execute it and display the "Discovery" tab. You should see something like that:

Live monitoring

The Web version of the dashboard

In your workspace, create a file named index.html:

<html lang="en">
  <title>Live data</title>
<discovery-dashboard url="http://localhost:8080/api/v0/exec">
  'title' 'Live data'
  'options' { 'showErrors' true  }
  'type' 'flex'
  'tiles' [
    // list of tiles (type discovery-tiles to get some snippets)
      'type' 'line'  'w' 12 'h' 2 
      'endpoint' 'ws://localhost:8080/api/v0/mobius' // Use Web sockets
      //'endpoint' 'http://localhost:8080/api/v0/exec'
      'options' { 
        'autoRefresh' 500 // each 500 ms
        'bounds' { 'yRanges' [ 0 100 ] }  // force y axis to be 0-100 range
      'macro' <% 
          'token'  'YOUR READ TOKEN' 
          'class'  'io.warp10.demo.sensor.temperature' 
          'labels' {}
          'end' NOW // timestamp or ISO8601 string
          'timespan' 1 m  // timespan or start
        } FETCH
<script nomodule src=""></script>
<script type="module" src=""></script>

Open it in your favorite browser to see your live data.

Discovery dashboard

Going further

You can customize your Kafka handler by increasing the parallelism.

You can also pimp your dashboard:

<html lang="en">
  <title>Live data</title>
    @import url(',400,500,600,700&subset=cyrillic,cyrillic-ext,latin-ext');

body {
    font-family: 'Jura', sans-serif;
    font-size       : 12px;
    line-height     : 1.52;
    background : fixed url(, url( repeat;
    color           : #FFFFFF;

    --wc-split-gutter-color            : #404040;
    --warp-view-pagination-bg-color    : #343a40 !important;
    --warp-view-pagination-border-color: #6c757d;
    --warp-view-datagrid-odd-bg-color  : rgba(255, 255, 255, .05);
    --warp-view-datagrid-odd-color     : #FFFFFF;
    --warp-view-datagrid-even-bg-color : #212529;
    --warp-view-datagrid-even-color    : #FFFFFF;
    --warp-view-font-color             : #FFFFFF;
    --warp-view-chart-label-color      : #FFFFFF;
    --gts-stack-font-color             : #FFFFFF;
    --warp-view-resize-handle-color    : #111111;
    --warp-view-chart-legend-bg        : #000;
    --gts-labelvalue-font-color        : #ccc;
    --gts-separator-font-color         : #FFFFFF;
    --gts-labelname-font-color         : rgb(105, 223, 184);
    --gts-classname-font-color         : rgb(126, 189, 245);
    --warp-view-chart-legend-color     : #FFFFFF;
    --wc-tab-header-color              : #FFFFFF;
    --wc-tab-header-selected-color     : #404040;
    --warp-view-tile-background        : #3A3C46;

.discovery-dashboard {
    color: transparent;
<discovery-dashboard url="http://localhost:8080/api/v0/exec">
    'title' 'Live data'
    'type' 'flex'
    'options' {
      'scheme' 'BELIZE'
    'tiles' [
        'type' 'area'  'w' 12 'h' 2 
        'endpoint' 'ws://localhost:8080/api/v0/mobius' // Use Web sockets
        'options' { 
          'autoRefresh' 500 // each 500 ms
          'bounds' { 'yRanges' [ 0 100 ] }
        'macro' <% 
          [ 'oQ4t3FJSguXk2jOsXx2b3NNY7MdkrroX0VYfQmm0QyCMGsYgLDNHIEqELzS2htyLbKel1tryEuDmor62GcHzhZ5pO2PC3opZ1RwIUEYTDIsYyVN8N8pcyfgkDkbnNG0qtJZwfnmsUCXo3vvRGg0Q5.' 'io.warp10.demo.sensor.temperature' {} NOW 1 m ] FETCH
<script nomodule src=""></script>
<script type="module" src=""></script>
Discovery dashboard

Here is a complete sample.