Learn how to embed Java library or C code in a WarpScript/FLoWS function to enlarge the WarpLib function corpus.
With WarpScript (and obviously FLoWS), you have access to a huge corpus of functionalities to handle your time series. But sometimes, we miss a special algorithm or a proprietary library.
You can encapsulate it in an extension dedicated to Warp 10 and gain access to new WarpScript/FLoWS functions.
We will show you how to build an extension containing a Java implementation of a function and an external C program.
Initiate your project
The easiest way is to use WarpFleet CLI.
$ npm install -g @senx/warpfleet
$ wf i
___ __ _______________ _____
__ | / /_____ __________________ ____/__ /___________ /_
__ | /| / /_ __ `/_ ___/__ __ \_ /_ __ /_ _ \ _ \ __/
__ |/ |/ / / /_/ /_ / __ /_/ / __/ _ / / __/ __/ /_
____/|__/ \__,_/ /_/ _ .___//_/ /_/ \___/\___/\__/
/_/ ™
version: 1.0.41
? What do you want to develop? Extension
? Enter project's group: io.warp10.ext.test
? Enter assets's name: test-extension
? Enter assets's version: 0.0.1
? Enter project's description:
? Enter author's name:
? Enter email address:
? Enter license:
? Enter GIT repo url:
? Enter Maven repo url root: https://dl.bintray.com/myCompany/maven/
? Comma separated list of tags:
? Is all OK, dude?
"type": "ext",
"group": "io.warp10.ext.test",
"artifact": "test-extension",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "",
"author": "",
"email": "",
"license": "",
"git": "",
"repoUrl": "https://dl.bintray.com/myCompany/maven/",
"tags": [
} Yes
✔ Bootstrap generated
? test-extension/README.md already exists, do you want to overwrite it? Yes
✔ Artifact generated
✔ Asset generated
Open the test-extension
folder with your favorite Java IDE.
Java implementation
Delete those two classes and create in this directory a file named MAXABS.java
package io.warp10.ext.test;
import io.warp10.script.NamedWarpScriptFunction;
import io.warp10.script.WarpScriptException;
import io.warp10.script.WarpScriptStack;
import io.warp10.script.WarpScriptStackFunction;
public class MAXABS extends NamedWarpScriptFunction implements WarpScriptStackFunction {
public MAXABS(String name) {
public Object apply(WarpScriptStack stack) throws WarpScriptException {
int a = Integer.parseInt(stack.pop().toString());
int b = Integer.parseInt(stack.pop().toString());
stack.push(Math.max(Math.abs(a), Math.abs(b)));
return stack;
This is the implementation of a function called MAXABS
which computes the maximum absolute value of 2 parameters. I agree, this is a dummy function and I do not test input parameters.
The process is easy:
- extract parameters with
- compute the maximum of absolute values
- push the result back on the stack with
Create TestWarpScriptExtension.java
package io.warp10.ext.test;
import io.warp10.warp.sdk.WarpScriptExtension;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class TestWarpScriptExtension extends WarpScriptExtension {
private static final Map<String, Object> functions;
static {
functions = new HashMap<String, Object>();
functions.put("MAXABS", new MAXABS("MAXABS"));
public Map<String, Object> getFunctions() {
return functions;
This is the entry point of our extension. We must declare function names (ie: MAXABS
) and associate them to real implementations (ie: new MAXABS("MAXABS")
You can now package the lib:
$ ./gradlew shadowJar
Copy the resulting jar in /path/to/warp10/lib/.
activate your extension in /path/to/warp10/etc/conf.d/70--extensions.conf
Finally, restart your Warp 10 instance and test your new MAXABS
C implementation
Create test-extension/src/main/c/helloworld.h
char *hello(char* ch);
Create test-extension/src/main/c/helloworld.
#include "helloworld.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char* hello(char* ch) {
char prefix[] = "Hello ";
char *res;
res = malloc(strlen(prefix) + strlen(ch));
strcpy(res, prefix);
return res;
Disclaimer: I haven't coded with C since ages, so sorry for that
Hey wait, there is a malloc
without a free
… Ok, we will see how to free later.
Compile it:
$ cd src/main/c
$ gcc -c helloworld.c
$ gcc -shared -dynamiclib helloworld.o -o ../resources/helloworld.so
Now we will bind this small program with our extension thanks to JNA.
Add the dependence to your build.gradle
implementation group: 'net.java.dev.jna', name: 'jna', version: '5.10.0'
Create interface CHelloWorld.java
package io.warp10.ext.test;
import com.sun.jna.Library;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
public interface CHelloWorld extends Library {
CHelloWorld INSTANCE = Native.load("helloworld.so", CHelloWorld.class);
Pointer hello(String g);
void free(Pointer p); // JNA provides it
Here is our binding, now, we have to embed it into a new function: HELLO.class
package io.warp10.ext.test;
import io.warp10.script.NamedWarpScriptFunction;
import io.warp10.script.WarpScriptException;
import io.warp10.script.WarpScriptStack;
import io.warp10.script.WarpScriptStackFunction;
public class HELLO extends NamedWarpScriptFunction implements WarpScriptStackFunction {
public HELLO(String name) {
public Object apply(WarpScriptStack stack) throws WarpScriptException {
Pointer ptr = null;
try {
String str = stack.pop().toString();
ptr = CHelloWorld.INSTANCE.hello(str); // invoke the C function
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new WarpScriptException(e);
} finally {
if (null != ptr) {
CHelloWorld.INSTANCE.free(ptr); // Free the allocated memory
return stack;
We use the same principle as a standard java library. And the declare this function:
public class TestWarpScriptExtension extends WarpScriptExtension {
private static final Map<String,Object> functions;
static {
functions = new HashMap<String,Object>();
functions.put("MAXABS", new MAXABS("MAXABS"));
functions.put("HELLO", new HELLO("HELLO")); // <----- new code
Re-build your jar, deploy it, restart Warp 10 and test it:
Going further
Of course, the same techniques apply for any Java/Groovy/Scala (or whatever runs natively on the JVM) or for C++, Go, or Rust.
Feel free to build custom extensions and contribute to the growing WarpFleet ecosystem.
Learn more about WarpFleet
Read more
All you need to know about interactions between Warp 10 and Python
September 2020: Warp 10 release 2.7.0, ready for FLoWS
Forecast with Facebook Prophet and CALL
Senior Software Engineer