How to migrate data from a Warp 10 instance to another in 2 easy steps.

There are two main strategies to sync your data between two or more Warp 10 instances: you can use a datalog or define your own mechanism using WarpScript. Here, I would like to show you how to read high-frequency data stored on an embedded Warp 10, which is hosted on a computer full of sensors for instance, downsample and store it on a remote distributed instance.
In this example, we read all GTS with a one-hour time span and downsample them. Then, we use REXECZ to upload them to the remote instance.
Discover the easiest way to detect motion and to split a Geo Time Series accordingly. |
To go further, refer to this WarpScript Tutorial.
Discover a real-world use case of this data sync technique.
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Senior Software Engineer